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Peony Plant

Q.Had a nice big pink gorgeous peony on the side of our house. Tuber got dug up and cut in half. Will both sections have blooms?

Zone 5b | tiddler2892 added on April 7, 2019 | Answered

We did not have AC so we had AC put in after too many hot summers.Of course the unit had to go on the side of the house the gorgeous peony was on.Before I could do anything the AC guy had dug it up.What I thought was the entire tuber laying on the lawn in the hot sun was not but I quickly replanted it under a tree on the opposite side of the house next to the garage. It took root because it came up the following spring. I was dumbfounded. I saved it! But bummer, no flowers, then the next spring, again the shoots all sprung up and all the green leaves and again, no flowers. But over from underneath the AC unit…up comes those beautiful pink blooms, no foliage, just those flowers. So this is two years now; I can’t dig them from under that unit. I wish the flowers would grow down by the garage. I did not know the AC guy left part of the tuber under the unit, otherwise,  I would have transplanted the entire thing. Will the tuber down by the garage ever grow flowers, or do I have the foliage tuber down there and the flower one under that unit? Or is this not how it works?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 8, 2019
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