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Habanero Pepper Plants

Q.Habanero Arancio seedlings dying

Zone Hungary | Anonymous added on July 15, 2018 | Answered

Dear Gardening Experts,

I am growing Habanero arancio seedling inside the house. They stated germinating in April. (It took about 6 weeks.) They are growing slow. The tempereture is normal (20-22 oC) all the days. They are in the sunny place of the kitchen. (Near the window.) Recently I have recognized that the seedling are losing their leaves and getting smaller. I regularly watering them.
Any help would be very much appreciated.

Best regards,
Pal Perjesi

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 17, 2018

Make sure the soil is moist but never soggy. Air flow around the seedlings is important. You can set up a small fan.

This article will help you.


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