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Ficus Trees

Q.Guidance Required In Growing Ficus Like Umbrella

Zone Bahawalpur | Dawood001 added on May 22, 2020 | Answered

My ficus is planted in ground soil. A gardener long ago tied its branches from bottom. Now should I open them and which branches do I cut? I want to send picture so that you can get idea.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 25, 2020

Unfortunately, that is not a weeping type. Trimming it like this will kill it.

Here is an article for the pruning of this type of Ficus:


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Answered on May 26, 2020

Further doctor I want it to have a shade forward becuase on back there is a wall. I want to have it a shade so that we can sit and park vehicle under it, kindly guide

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Answered on May 26, 2020

@Bush Doctor thanks for the reply, I want to grow it big to have an umbrella shape. Do I need to cut it at all and do tell should I untie it? I have read the article but I am still not clear. Kindly refer to a guide having images as used for clarity.

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