Q.Guave tree in pot dropping leaves after being brought iindoors
Help!!! New tree, 3 feet tall. Moved to plant room (grow lights and windows) when outside temps dipped into 40s at night. It started to drop leaves after being brought in. No spots or weird stuff on leaves, not over watered, good potting mix. Is it just getting used to being indoors? Starting to look leggy. What can I try?
Changing the environment too much at once will cause this. Depending on the power of your lights, and how far away they are, you will want to mimic the sun as much as possible. This will require 200 actual watts or greater. If you have a PAR or Lux meter, this should measure around 300 to 500 PAR or 3000 to 15000 LUX. It sounds like the plant is in shock.
Another thing to consider is your soil. If the soil has too much nutrients in it, then it will burn up any seedling you put in there. It is necessary to use a light mix for germination.