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Vanilla Orchid

Q.Growing Vanilla Beans

Zone Port St. Lucie, FL 34983 | kahc9876 added on April 11, 2016 | Answered

I live in south Florida and have been growing a vanilla vine for the last 5 years. It got so large we moved it outside and I set up an area for it to grow (see Vanilla vine photo). It does bloom and I have been successful in getting beans but they tend to fall off the vine after a month. Last year I had 2 beans stay on the vine for 9 months and I probably had 50 or 60 beans.

Also, the beans have a triangular cross section and are small. The vanilla bean picture shows a 2.5 inch bean. It is probably not done growing yet but I have never had a bean larger than 6 inches and most are in the 3- to 4-inch range. I have not been all that diligent about fertilizing the last few years but am doing that now. I think it gets enough sun but I do have a 30% shade cloth over the vine and have some trees in the area. I also have a sprinkler system set up for those dry times. Can you think of anything else I can do to increase the number of beans that stay on the vine for the full 9 months?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 12, 2016

We did not receive the images.
Growing the Vanilla Orchid and it producing beans is no easy task, congratulations.
Increasing humidity to optimize it's growing conditions would help.
A regular fertilizer schedule is a must for your Orchid to develop the pods, along with proper pollination.
Here are some articles to refresh you on the care requirements.


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