Q.Growing Vanilla Beans
I live in south Florida and have been growing a vanilla vine for the last 5 years. It got so large we moved it outside and I set up an area for it to grow (see Vanilla vine photo). It does bloom and I have been successful in getting beans but they tend to fall off the vine after a month. Last year I had 2 beans stay on the vine for 9 months and I probably had 50 or 60 beans.
Also, the beans have a triangular cross section and are small. The vanilla bean picture shows a 2.5 inch bean. It is probably not done growing yet but I have never had a bean larger than 6 inches and most are in the 3- to 4-inch range. I have not been all that diligent about fertilizing the last few years but am doing that now. I think it gets enough sun but I do have a 30% shade cloth over the vine and have some trees in the area. I also have a sprinkler system set up for those dry times. Can you think of anything else I can do to increase the number of beans that stay on the vine for the full 9 months?

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Growing the Vanilla Orchid and it producing beans is no easy task, congratulations.
Increasing humidity to optimize it's growing conditions would help.
A regular fertilizer schedule is a must for your Orchid to develop the pods, along with proper pollination.
Here are some articles to refresh you on the care requirements.