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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Growing trees from sucker plants

Zone 46307 | Anonymous added on August 8, 2018 | Answered

I have read your tips on growing trees from sucker plants but have a few questions. If I dig up the sucker and roots in the fall and plant in a pot, do I keep it indoors for the winter since it won’t be established enough to plant before winter? Or about how long does it take to get established? I really want this to work.It has been about 1 month since I have scraped off some of the bark under the soil line to get it to grow it’s own root system.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 9, 2018

You don't state what species of tree you are working with, but general information is that it would be safer to keep the plant protected during winter weather, especially if it has not yet put out roots and new foliar growth. But be sure to place it where it gets sunlight and that you provide appropriate watering.

If the new tree has established a root system and put out new growth, and if it is a species that can tolerate the extremes of winter temperature where you live, then it may be safe to plant it in a pot or in the ground outdoors. In a pot would allow you the option to bring it in to a protected area during extreme cold or a storm event.
It could begin to be established in a month or two when roots develop and new growth occurs, but to consider the plant as really established, with an extensive absorbing root system, takes a year or more.

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