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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Growing Tomatos

Zone Pakistan, Karachi | Agent X720 added on June 3, 2016 | Answered

Hi, My name is Yousuf.

I recently started growing cherry tomatoes, I bought the plant from the nursery about two weeks ago.

I noticed the next day till now that there is a tiny hole on my tomato and am worried as to what this may be.The picture I have given may not be very clear but it might give you a little idea as to what is going on.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 3, 2016

Ah, you very likely have one of a number of tiny worms that are enjoying your tomatoes while they are still growing! I always plant more than I will need so as to account for some limited attrition that results from these pests, but if you definitely want to get rid of them, this article contains links in the section labeled "Tomato Pests" that will take you to additional information about each kind of pest or worm and how to get rid of them:


And here is a general information article on growing cherry tomatoes:

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