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Hyacinth Plant

Q.growing sprouting sweet potato slips

Zone northern Colorado | betteokeefe added on March 16, 2015 | Answered

1) Your article is helpful; however, I am unclear about “take the slips from the sweet potato root by twisting them while tugging on the slip.” Do you have photos? Do you take the whole potato out of the soil/sand, or is there a plug from inside the potato that comes out with the rooted sprout?
2) Is there a wholesale outlet where I can purchase starter plugs?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 16, 2015

Take the potato out of the soil/sand when the slips protruding from it are at least 6 inches long. Then, grab the slip with two fingers near where it connects to the potato and twist in a clockwise motion while simultaneously pulling in the opposite direction of the potato. You are basically just breaking or pinching off the slips where they connect to the potato. The slip is then placed in a jar of water to root.

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