Q.Growing Roma Tomatoes in Houston, TX
My pot grown Romas get 6-8 hours of direct sun and are watered at 6 am daily. The soil is always moist, but not wet. The vegetative growth is very good, but the leaves seem somewhat dried and curling. Also, the plants (2) flower profusely, but the blossoms drop off and do not create fruit. I am having the same problem with the peppers in pots next to the tomatoes, but the basil, oregano, thyme and rosemary are thriving. The basil seems to have a wasp pollinator, who seems “drunk” while visiting the plants. These plants are all pot planted, individually, within 5′ of each other. Why won’t the tomatoes fruit?
Could be late blight. Google the term and see if that's what could be. If it is, don't let the tomato plants touch one another or touch the peppers. It's touch, and if they touch it spreads right along. It wiped out our tomatoes and peppers right in a row last year.