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Potato Plants

Q.growing potatoes

Zone 60506 | jvcobb65 added on July 21, 2016 | Answered

My potato plants aren’t dark green, but kind of a lighter green. They did blossom. Could it be lack of water or too much? Also, I’m getting potato fruit. Should that be cut off? If not, will it rob nutrients from the tubers?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 22, 2016

Light green or yellowish leaves could indicate a nutrient deficiency in your potato plants. If the new leaves turn yellowish-green between the veins while the leaf veins stay dark green, your plants may have iron or manganese deficiency. If instead the older leaves lose their dark green color first, the plants could be nitrogen or magnesium deficient.

Studies have shown that removing potato flowers as soon as they form does increase tuber yield. The same is likely true of the fruit, so your idea of removing the fruit is a good one. Potato fruit are poisonous, so make sure children and pets don’t eat them.

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