Q.Growing Pole Beans
Can you raise pole beans in a strip mine ground? How would you go about doing that? Can you help me out? I just need some answers. If you could help me, that will be great. Please let me know.
How tall can they get, and how much could you get off an acre of ground? And how many bushels can you get? And how much can you sell them for? If you can help me, I would greatly appreciation it.
This article will give you an overview of pole beans: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/beans/growing-pole-beans.htm
I suggest you have a soil test, check with your local agricultural extension office. After test results and recommendations are followed, you should be ready. You will need to determine which variety of bean to grow. Different beans will yield differing harvests, attain different heights, have different maturity rates, and possibly garner different prices at market. Also, different varieties will be susceptible to different diseases.