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Plumeria Plants

Q.Growing Plumeria as pot plants

Zone Taunton UK | littlebickleyian added on October 13, 2017 | Answered


I live in UK and have grown a couple of plumeria plants. As our climate is not suitable for them outside, I have them in pots indoors. I see references to using lights to prolong their light exposure, to encourage them to flower. Can you advise on what sort of light (colour) would suit them best?

Many thanks,

Ian Gauntlett

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 13, 2017

Indoor gardening is my passion, and I have an entire tropical garden to prove it. These would never grow and fruit in my area naturally. I can definitely assist you on this issue. The best light you can obtain will give you full spectrum, just as the sun would. That being said, a combination of Metal Halide, and High Pressure Sodium bulbs, and separate ballast to run each will be your best bet. That brings about heat issues as well.

Alternatively, with the LED industry becoming more and more tuned to the indoor plant world, the technology has gotten to a point where it is quickly becoming the best lighting solution. I myself use the KIND LED fixture in 750 watts for a 5x5 space. This is by far the best way to go. But there are many ways to go about this.

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Answered on October 15, 2017

Thank you BushDoctor. Very helpful. I have found a site that sells several varieties of LED lights, which look a useful solution.

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