Q.Growing plants
Can you plant Daphne Odora and have it survive the Phoenix AZ heat?
Daphne odora is rated for hardiness zones 7-9 and AHS heat zone 9-7. If you are unfamiliar with heat zones, see this article which will and show your zone: https://www.ahsgardening.org/gardening-resources/gardening-maps/heat-zone-map
This shrub can be temperamental and siting it in the correct place is essential as it doesn't like to be transplanted. Some morning sun, a pH of 6.5 -7, fast-draining soil and consistent moisture are mandatory. Mulch the soil to (try to) keep it cool and to lessen moisture loss. In Phoenix, getting the moisture level correct will be a challenge in summer months. If your area is windy, a spot with protection from hot summer winds will help.