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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Growing Mint in Backyard

Zone Croatia | matej95 added on May 19, 2018 | Answered

Hello i wanted to ask you if you pls can help me and tell me is there any way to protect my mint plants that i am going to grow this season from car fumes,bcs my backyard is few metres from road but it has some small distance,could you please tell me is there a way to protect them or a way to wash out all the chemicals when harvesting :)) thank you in advance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 20, 2018

Honestly, I think your best bet is to grow mint in a container you can put in the backyard and for 2 reasons. 1. mint easily gets out of hand and runs rampant in garden soil and 2. there are toxins already in the soil from years of exhaust, fuel leaks, leaded gas and paint and who knows what else so adding toxins from the air just makes matters worse. Superficial airborne pollution can be rinsed off. If your ground is polluted that is a different matter. Were old railroad ties or arsenic treated wood used in the area at one point? (Arsenic was a common wood preserver, now banned.) On the other hand, people have been growing near the road for many years. Risks vs. benefits tells me to seek an alternative if one is available and to rinse all fresh food before consuming it. Here is an article that goes over pros and cons: https://grist.org/food/is-it-safe-to-eat-veggies-grown-near-a-busy-city-street/

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