Q.Growing micro greens
I want to start growing micro greens and after doing some research, it seems like you buy special micro green seeds. This seems silly to me since I already have multiple seed salad blend packets. It sounds like the reason is because you want seeds that have no chemical treatments or anything like that. My question is, can I use regular salad mix seeds to grow micro greens if they are organic non gmo/treated seeds? Or do micro greens actually need to be grown from special seeds?
It’s my understanding that the only difference is you harvest early and no difference in actual growing tendencies. I figure it’s alright to use the seeds I have but feel the need to get another opinion since I’m very new to vegetable gardening.
Thank you!
Yes, you can use the seeds you have.
I use regular Radish seeds and harvest the little Radish leaves.
Here is a link with more information.