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Jasmine Plants

Q.Growing Jasmine Indoors

Zone Brooklyn, NY | lkbaibish added on November 4, 2020 | Answered

Hello, I love your website, it’s always so informative. I have a J Polyanthum plant in my living room in a south facing window since April. It’s grown from a tiny plant to a large tangly plant all the way through my window shades to the top of the window so my shades are now covered in plant, which I like. I want to make sure it blooms for the spring and your articles mention that they grow the buds now, during Fall. Any tips aside from leaving the window open so it gets cool to help the buds to grow? Really appreciate any insight you can provide. Thank you Laiby

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 5, 2020

If you fertilized it during the growing season and it receives ample light, it should bloom. Plus the cooler temperatures as you mentioned. If you think it may not be getting enough light, consider adding a grow light.


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