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St. Augustine Grass

Q.growing fungus problem

Anonymous added on November 9, 2014 | Answered

My yard is planted with St. Augustine grass. During the warmer months, a rusty colored ball will grow in my yard in various places. At first I was surprised when I dug it out of the ground. I has a strange root system, the root system is larger than the part that is above ground and it smells awful. When the yard dries during the summer, the balls dry up but do not change in size, and if touched in any way, a puff of rusty colored cloud comes out of it. What is it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 10, 2014

It sounds like a puffball mushroom. Here is more info on them:

This article will help with keeping them from growing in your yard:

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