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Fig Tree

Q.Growing Fig Trees

Anonymous added on May 12, 2011 | Answered

I live in central Alabama, a little east of Birmingham. I have a lot of sandstone (and therefore sand) in my yard. My lot used to be heavily wooded before it was bobcatted for trainer homes. There is still a lot of trees, but also open areas. Most of the topsoil in the bobcatted areas was removed and not replaced. Can I grow figs in this type of soil? Also, how big/old do fig trees have to be to produce fruit?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 12, 2011

You can grow figs there. When you plant them, make sure that you backfill the hole with good topsoil, instead of the sandy soil. I would also make sure that you add some topsoil or mulch (that will become soil) a few feet around the trees. This will eventually work its way into the sandy soil. You may also need to water a bit more than usual, depending on how fast the trees grow.

Figs take about 3 year to fruit when grown from a cutting. Sometimes sooner, but that is the average.

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