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Cherry Trees

Q.Growing Cherries From Pits

Zone 83835 | Kathi Westbrook added on June 12, 2018 | Answered

Ok, I’m using pits from store bought Cherries, do they still have to go through the cold stratification process since they’ve already been refrigerated?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 12, 2018

Yes, the fruit will keep the seed slightly above the temperature needed to stratify these. You will need to stratify these on the top shelf of your refrigerator before planting. This will need a month, or two at the most.

It is helpful, but can be dangerous without gloves... If you remove that seed shell VERY CAREFULLY before stratifying, it will make germination time a few weeks rather than months.

Keep in mind that the seeds contain VERY high amounts of prussic acid (This breaks down into cyanide in the human body) and getting it on your skin can be fatal. PLEASE WEAR GLOVES if you are going to attempt to remove the shell.

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