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Caladium Plants

Q.Growing caladium plants from nursery

Zone 6 | Anonymous added on May 17, 2016 | Answered

I have a shady spot on my deck where I would love to have caladiums (planted in container) but in the past they stop growing after a few weeks. The leaves begin slumping over and then die. I keep the plant moist, but not soggy, and the container has a drain hole. I live in zone 6 and realize it will be an annual plant. What am I doing wrong wrong?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 18, 2016

Caladiums will enter dormancy after a few months in leaf. I imagine they were in leaf for awhile at the nursery before you purchased them which is why they declined after a few weeks in your care. Caladiums, like other plants that grow from bulbs\corms\tubers, have a limited time to show off their splendor. The die-back process is normal and was not caused by anything you did - you did everything right.

For more information on caladium, please visit the following link:

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