Q.growing blackberry plants
It is very hot here in Arksansas and my plant continues to wilt. The leaves turn brown and fall off. I have used an acidic fertilizer as reccomended, watered daily and it looks like the plant needs something but I don’t know what. The soil pH is normal, but the nitrogen is in the low range. Thanks for any help.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
While you could try upping the nitrogen some, it's likely the heat that is affecting your plants. The high heat, which many parts of the country are expeiencing right now, can quickly stress out a plant--even with daily watering. Temperatures slightly over 85 F are bad enough but when you factor in triple digits, as most are experiencing, these extreme temps cause water to evaporate before reaching the plant roots. To help alleviate this, make sure to allow the water to soak in the ground (at least 20-30 min) by using a soaker hose or drip irrigation and avoid overhead watering. If feasible, shade cloths can help during the hottest part of the day.