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Lemon Trees

Q.Growing baby lemons

Zone Leeds, West Yorkshire UK | Quilly Masters added on May 30, 2016 | Answered

My lemon tree came with 6 fully grown lemons. Since then it has had many flowers which turn into dark green baby lemons. However, after several weeks, the baby lemons start to go very pale then drop off. I water the plant regularly as the soil starts to dry out and spray it regularly with water. I use a self feed lemon plant feeder and have just re-potted it using Levingtons citrus compost to see if that helps. Please, can you advise on how I can prevent my baby lemons from dying off? I am really keen to grow some myself. There are still 5 of the remains adult lemons on the tree. Should I remove them?

With thanks,

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Answered on May 31, 2016
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