Q.growing a rose bush from cane clippings
Hey guys and girls, I am interested in growing some roses from cuttings in water. I do not have a clue what I am doing, I am a mechanic by trade. I started reading on your site first, and still have a multitude of questions. Unfortunately after many attempts to grow these cuttings, I only have frustration and failure to show for my time lost, and I am totally confused.
I have tried growing the canes in water, soil and even tried potatoes. I seem to have the most luck with what I think is a “bud” sprouting from the canes growing in water.
I have no idea what some of the terms mean like, callous, buds, wounding, shoots etc. I n find a lot of info on the net, but not for dummies like me. I would like to see some photos of these terms, and a good Idea of when to plant the cuttings.
Hers what I have done:
Cut the stem at a 45°
Hammered the end of the cut rose about an inch below the bud
Slit the end of the cut rose with cutters
Dipped stem bottoms in ground ginger
Inserted multiple rose clippings in a coke bottle and left for a while
When the buds started to sprout, I put them in some soil, after a week or so I noted some buds had sprouted into leaves I think the terminology is correct
Will these sprouted leaves turn into a rose bush?
It is most important that I can grow some rose bushes for my wife, always did most things from scratch, and I don’t want to change that; I still go by the motto “if we can’t make it, we don’t have it” I know I could buy a bush, but we also I don’t need any more expenses, however the clock is ticking.

Here is a link to an article I wrote on this subject for you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/roses-from-cuttings.htm
One thing I have to add since the article was originally written is that a product called Olivia's Cloning Gel is a top notch rooting hormone product that will increase your chances of success greatly, I recommend using it. The first move to soils should be to soils that are for rooting so that they will allow good moisture flow and further root system development. Perhaps give them a couple weeks even after budding to get better root system development.