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Q.ground cover

Zone Sacto Ca 95621 | Anonymous added on January 29, 2018 | Answered

I’m looking for ground cover that can withstand freezing temp.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 30, 2018

Sun, shade, dry or wet area? These are all important things to know when choosing any plant. If the area gets sun, a creeping (horizontal) juniper, pussytoes, sedum and creeping thyme are nice. For shade, consider ferns, solomon's seal, bearberry and epimedium. There are many, many more! Here is a website to give you ideas but check nurseries near where you live. Buying local in the case of plants means you are getting a plant accustomed to your weather conditions. https://www.bluestoneperennials.com/groundcovers.html?ext_title=All%20Ground%20Covers

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