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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Ground Cover

Zone 18833 | Anonymous added on December 1, 2017 | Answered

Hi. I need some advice on selecting a ground cover. I have a couple of areas around my PV Solar panels that I would like to place some ground cover. It should assist in erosion control, be low to the ground, low maintenance, and drive-out weeds and grass. It is an area that is difficult to mow and weed-eating is discouraged. It is also located in mildly moist area with partial to full sun. The climate is a zone 5. Any advice you could provide from what type and how to plant would be much welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thank you! Joe.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 2, 2017

Creeping thyme is an attractive, low to the ground plant that grows densely, so it should be suitable for your needs:

From this guide, it sounds like moneywort may be suitable for your site. It is also an attractive plant:

Here are some other potential options:

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