Q.Ground cover
Zone Seminole, Florida 33772 Zone 10
janetannekeefe@gmail.com added on
September 24, 2017
Can Herniaria Glabra (Green Carpet) tolerate being mowed? Considering replacing weeds/grass with it but live where an Association mows and trims, sometimes weekly. My hesitation is that they will likely mow even if instructed to avoid the area.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 24, 2017
According to my research, this cover will stay short. It is likely that if they mow, the plant will be mostly untouched. If it does get cut a little, I don't think it would kill it.
Here is an article with more information:https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/search/?q=mowing%20green%20garpet
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