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Schisandra Plants

Q.Greetings, I live in Austin Texas, would I be able to grow Schisandra vine here??

Zone Austin, texas 78737 | rob newton added on September 12, 2018 | Answered

I would be able to provide shade, and constant watering.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 12, 2018

Yes, I believe you would be able to grow this vine. It grows in zones 4-9, and you are in zone 8b. It is evergreen, needs a structure onto which to climb, likes morning sun, but afternoon shade. Likes moist, but not soggy soil. I have read that you need both a male and a female vine in order to produce fruit, but not all agree. Also, many say that the fruit tastes medicinal. Tie the vines to the structure, untying and retying as necessary to train them into the desired shape. If you have a grub problem, I strongly encourage you to add a grub preventative to the soil when you plant, and cover the soil with gravel. Plant in the spring. Good luck.

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