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Bell Pepper Plants

Q.Green Peppers Have Thin Skin

Anonymous added on March 27, 2014 | Answered

We have raised green peppers for a couple years and they taste fine but they have a very thin skin. What do we need to do to have a thicker skinned green pepper?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 27, 2014

You are too nice to them is why they have thin skin. Plants develop thicker skin to help protect them from the elements. I would guess that where your plants are growing is sheltered from winds and harsh sun. While I have not tried this personally, I am guessing that since reducing harsh elements on peppers makes their skin thinner, increasing it will thicken them. Try giving the plants a gentle shake every so often to trick them into thinking they are in a windier environment than they actually are. You may also just be growing a thin skinned variety but the technique above should work for them too.

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