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Green Pepper Plants

Q.Green peppers

Zone Sheridan, Wy | Mchetz added on June 3, 2017 | Answered

I have several bell peppers from Bonnie that are doing very well. Recently, added 3 Carman sweet peppers, these plants while looking healthy have turned yellow, not just the leave or stems, but the entire plant.
Anyone have an idea of what is going on?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 4, 2017

It sounds like not enough water or too much. If the plant's stems are very soft when you squeeze them they are drowning. If they are firm, cut them down the to an inch or two and dig a trench around the plants for them to be up on a mound. They will receive indirect water from the trench and will not be sitting in water. Also add fish emulsion fertilizer to the soil at first. Once the plant has some new growth you can spray the new leaves with a week solution of the liquid.

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