Q.Green Beans Bloom But Dont Make Beans
This has happened the last few years, first year I was told I had to have 2 rows or they wouldnt pollinate properly. nope. I plant contender pole beans and put a piece of welded wire up with metal fence posts for them the run on. they are beautiful and bloom and bloom but dont make beans. One person told me to beat them with a switch but I havent. this winter was mild but spring has been very wet the last few years. my squash hasnt done well, too wet. but tomatoes, okra, corn, purple hull peas, turnips, cabbage , lettuce, even strawberry plants i put for my granddaughter are doing great. any help is appreciated. I live in north central arkansas and have made garden off and on for last 30 years.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Beans are self fertile (most of them) and will not require any pollination of any sort. It will be rare that you have a bean that requires pollination these days. The male and female organs grow touching each other the whole time.
However, too much nitrogen in soil, soil that is too acidic, hot weather, and low humidity will all take a toll on beans. Make sure to avoid planting garlic or onions anywhere near beans. This will cause some problems as well.
And the most probable issue will be wet soil. This will cause profuse flowering, but failure to fruit. Watering outside of rain will only be necessary during drought. Even then, you may find that they won't need much extra water.
My best advice will be to test your soil. make sure the nutrients are in the right ratio, and make sure that the pH is where it should be. Once you know that the soil parameters are perfect, you can begin to diagnose other problems.
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