Q.Gravel For Newly Planted Chaste Tree
We live in central Texas and our soil is clay. Should I place gravel around the base of my newly planted Chaste Tree?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There are pluses and minuses about using gravel as opposed to organic mulch like bark chips. Gravel will reflect more heat to your plant so be sure that your Chaste tree can take it. Rocks or gravel can be aesthetically pleasing and don't need to be topped off as much as organic mulch.
Bark chips will retain moisture and keep the plant roots cooler. Also, bark chips will decompose, thus improving your clay soil.
Both will deter weeds. Here is more info about inorganic vs. organic mulch. It's up to you which you decide to use. Since your soil could stand to be improved, I'd suggest an organic mulch.