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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Grass Weeds and Pests-Getting Rid Of

Anonymous added on June 4, 2011 | Answered

We have a small garden, and there are weeds, grass and pests in it. Are there any natural ways to get rid of these things, or can you suggest something at the hardware store?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 4, 2011

For pests, I would recommend neem oil. It is organic, effective at killing harmful bugs but will be safe for people,animals and beneficial bugs. You should be able to find this at the hardware store. Here is more info:

In terms of weeds and grass, the best natrual control methods are either hand weeding or hoeing or smothering. Smothering involves laying down landscaping cloth or thick layers of newspaper in between your plants and over the weeds. The newspaper or cloth can then be covered with mulch to make it look nicer, if you would like.

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