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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Grass Weeds

Zone Edmonton Alberta | Npahud added on May 27, 2018 | Answered

Our lawn is currently littered with weeds and we are looking for the best solution to permanently eliminate our problem. Could you please identify these weeds and suggest the best product to kill them without harming our grass? Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 28, 2018

You have a least 2 common lawn weeds, violets and creeping charlie. Both require repeat applications of herbicide. Here is an article that discusses these weeds and control measures. Understand that these weeds are likely coming from a neighbor's yard and will make frequent appearances in your lawn if that is so. They spread by seed and runners. http://extension.illinois.edu/lawntalk/weeds/managing_creeping_charlie_and_violets.cfm

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