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Lawn Problems

Q.grass in dense shade

Zone charleston,ms.38921 | jkaro220@gmail.com added on April 19, 2018 | Answered

I have some St. Augustine grass in deep shade. Last Feb. I made the mistake of spraying this small front yard and lost most of the St. Augustine. I spent the summer striping and spreading and watering. This spring I can hardly see the St. Augustine because of a weed that was identified as common plantain. What can I do? Can I spray anything without killing my grass?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 20, 2018

What will likely have to happen is that you will have to kill off that entire patch. You can do so without harming the soil and keeping the ability to plant immediately after by pouring boiling water directly on the spots. It will kill everything that it touches, but will leave the soil clean and ready to plant.

You can then take plugs from your existing lawn, and plant a patch that will take back over.

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