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Grape Vines


Zone Kimbolton, Ohio Zone 5 | gregkubala added on July 7, 2016 | Answered

I live in zone 5 Ohio, zip code 43749. I have a 16 x 16′ pergola built extremely heavy duty. All I’m looking for is a vine species to plant on each of the 4 posts so I can completely cover the pergola and have a canopy. Many vines I’ve looked at are very invasive, Akebia Quinata, Sweet Autumn Clematis…so I’ve decided to go with grape. However, my question is, without caring so much about the fruit side of it, which variety of grape is the most vigorous in growth that can quickly cover a large pergola? Is it the Mars seedless variety? Which would you recommend? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you – Greg

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2016

There are many varieties of cold climate grapes.

Canadice, Himrod, Reliance and St Theresa are good choices.


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