Q.Grapevine Pruning
I began retraining my grapevines that were here when I moved into my house. They were a mess, now that I understand the growing process. My question is that I have my established trunk (2+ years) in which I cut everything off in January to begin new cordons. This went better than expected. I ended up cutting the ends off the cordons after I had about 5-7 new spurs/canes (1 year) on each cordon. Now the canes/spurs have grown up to 5 feet and still growing, still first year season. Should I cut these back now to give the cordons more time to mature or let them grow and cut them in the winter to establish spurs for the new canes? I have Red Flame and the original vines I’m not sure, but the grapes are green w/seeds, I think maybe Niagra? I live in Kern County, central California.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This article should help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/grapes/prune-grape-vine.htm