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Grape Hyacinth

Q.Grape Hyacinth Mutation

Zone 49635 | Anonymous added on May 16, 2019 | Answered

Hi, I noticed an odd deformation in one of my grape hyacinths today, I’ve been researching to try and figure out what caused it, and if it’ll spread to my other plants. I don’t think this is likely, because it seems to just be a mutation. I’ve identified it as maybe proliferation, like what’s seen in roses sometimes, but it almost seems like some sort of cancer. It is occuring on all of the buds in the plant. If you could tell me what’s going on, that would be wonderful!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2019

Most mutations are random and are a result of a change within the cells of the plant, but mutations can sometimes be triggered by cold weather, temperature fluctuations or insect damage.
Generally, genetic mutations are not a problem, and can be pruned out if undesirable; however, many sports will die out or revert back to their original form of their own accord.
Some sports are stable and may be of interest to growers who are always looking for or producing new plants.

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