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Pine Trees

Q.grafting pine trees

Zone 58701 | scott a newman added on September 17, 2017 | Answered

we have evergreens that only have needles about the top 4 or 5 feet and about 20 feet with dead branches . Can you cut the tree down and put the top back on the stump?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 18, 2017

Theoretically, yes, it is possible. But only in a lab type setting where the tree can be monitored for bacteria and mold, in a completely sterile room. Unfortunately-With it being outdoors, this will be next to impossible. The tree will more than likely die from the major cut. Sometimes these will try and sprout again on their own, but it is unlikely.

You can attempt to root the top, though. There are many hormones that work well, as well as natural ways to root.

Personally I prefer this method:Dip the cutting into honey. Mix a spoonful of honey, and an aspirin tab, crushed, into a bottle of warm water, and spray the soil until moist, but not wet. Cover with plastic for a week, and open and check until you see root callus forming. Transplant as needed.

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