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Hyacinth Plant

Q.grafted pussy willow

Zone 48463 | nancycgbeulah added on February 27, 2017 | Answered

I would like to know how big this graft will get. Right now, it is in a 4 inch pot and is approx. 18 inches high.So I’ve been told that it won’t get much taller than this because it was grafted. It has a spot on the top that is a knob and the branches look like a weeping willow. Also, from what I read, the root system can be invasive. Will that be true for this grafted tree? A care card came with the plant and said to trim any growth that goes upwards, as this must be removed from the stem. Also, after flowering cut back to within four inches of the stem.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 27, 2017

Yes, I think the information you were given is accurate: as long as you prune out any upward-growing branches, your grafted pussy willow will not get much taller than it is now.

Whether the roots can be invasive depends what it was grafted to. Perhaps the care card or the supplier you bought it from can tell you what the rootstock is.

Pruning to maintain the weeping shape of a weeping pussy willow can be tricky. This article has some good advice:

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