Q.Growing Colocasia Esculenta Indoors
I have just received 2 colocasia esculenta tubers. I’ve read everywhere you can grow them as houseplants. Now I read they need part sun outdoors (morning or afternoon sun). I live in an apartment with a very large east patio door. It gets full morning sun from sunrise to about 11 am-noon. Will this be enough sun for them to grow enormous inside? My house temps are 72-85 F all year long. As for water, should I let them dry a bit between watering or keep them moist as you would outside?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, elephant ear plants can actually make exceptional houseplants given the proper care. Indoors, they require indirect sunlight most of the day, but even outdoors they enjoy some shade, so semi-bright, indirect light should be fine. Colocasia thrive with lots of humidity too, so mist the plant daily. This is actually more important than the amount of sunlight - too much sun will scorch the leaves. Keep the plant moist, not wet, watering when the top 1/2 inch or so of soil feels dry to the touch. Use a balanced fertilizer (at half strength) every couple weeks, until the onset of winter to allow the plant to go dormant. If desired, you may allow the plant to spend summer outside (on the patio, if feasible), bringing it in before cold weather. Here is more info: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/elephant-ear/growing-elephant-ears-indoors.htm