Q.gourd plants not producing fruit
For the last 2 yrs., we have not had any gourds produced on our plants when previous years produced 2 five gallon buckets full. They have had flowers and last year I thought it may have been because of the squirrels. So after seeing flowers this year, we purchased 2 solar animal repellers and placed them in the garden. Maybe we got them in too late and the squirrels ate the blooms. Any idea what the problem could be? The grandkids were very disappointed. We plant them from seed every year. We did have foliage all over the garden ~ but no gourds! Thanks in advance for your response.

I would suggest a soil test, and Fall is a good time to do this.
Too much Nitrogen in the soil will produce lush green plants and little or no fruit--or gourds on the plant.
With the results of your soil test, you can make some amendments to the soil yet this Fall.
Your County Extension Office can help you with a soil test for a small fee.
Here is link to help you locate your nearest office.
Off coarse, it also could be a pollination issue.
Here are some articles with more information.