Is there some reason that gooseberries don’t grow in Oklahoma?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There should be no reason why you couldn't grow gooseberries in Oklahoma so long as their growing requirements are met. Gooseberries are best planted while still dormant, from early February through mid-March. They tolerate heavy soils, but will need good drainage, so you may want to consider planting them in a raised bed. Gooseberries are planted much like grapes, but they do not require as much space. Set the plants 4 feet apart in the row. Before setting plants, cut the tops back to 6 to 10 inches. Plants are also set slightly deeper than the soil line, so that the first branch starts just below the soil surface. This encourages a bushier growth habit. Gooseberries require plenty of moisture and will require regular irrigation. Mulch the plants to help retain soil moisture. This will also help keep soils cooler during the hot days of summer. Good cultivars for Oklahoma include ‘Poorman’, ‘Invicta’, and ‘Pixwell’.