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Pothos Plants

Q.Golden Pothos

Zone 84601 | Maddie Townsend added on August 8, 2017 | Answered

I purchased a beautiful golden pothos from a nursery about two months ago. It is healthy and has had lots of new growth since then. However, when I bought the plant I noticed that the stalks of each individual leaf are slightly brown and dry at the edges, where they split to grow. These brown bits crumble off when I touch them. This is not happening on the new growth, and the leaves with the brown edges show no other signs of being dry or diseased, besides one or two that have dry brown edges. Is this something to worry about?

(The first photo is one of the leaves I’m concerned about, the second is new growth).

Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 12, 2017

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It does sound like normal growth, as some older stems may have some browning or peeling.


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