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Duranta Plants

Q.Golden dew drop/white sky Duranta is dropping all its leaves

Zone Anaheim, CA zone 10 | Anonymous added on March 5, 2020 | Answered

My golden dew drop/white sky Duranta is dropping all its leaves. I live in Southern California, we have had a very wet winter, but the leaves on this plant started turning yellow and dropping at a very quick rate in the fall. I have one in the ground and one in a pot and both plants are doing the same thing. They were doing so well when I planted them last summer, full of green and flowers. Now the look like sticks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 6, 2020

It's possible they suffered a fungal infection after all the rain. Be sure to pick up and destroy all the leaves that fell. Did you notice if they had spots on the leaves before they fell? Did you use a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) four times during the growing season?

I would also check the drainage. It's also possible with all the rain that poor drainage caused some root rot.

Going forward, fertilize regularly, check drainage, and water only when dry.

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