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Q.Gladiola Bulbs

Anonymous added on November 30, 2014 | Answered

I left my bulbs in the ground from last year. I have noticed several more shafts starting to come up. They are very close to the main shaft. Should I have dug up the bulb and left them to dry, waiting until now to replant? I didn’t think it necessary to dig them up living in Southern California. I seem to remember that the bulb will grow another bulb from the main bulb. Should I be thinning out the extra shafts now or wait until they all bloom?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 28, 2014

In mild regions such as yours, it is usually not necessary to dig up your bulb plants. They should be fine and will regrow. Dividing the bulbs isn't necessary unless the plants become overcrowded, which will oftentimes affect blooming. There is nothing for you to do but wait and enjoy their flowers!

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