Have grown ginger for a few years, as normal rizomes.
Just harvested some organic ginger I brought back from Hawaii @8 months ago. There is a giant bulb in the middle, with @10 to 13 rizomes growing
Downwards, and @ 20 small 3 to 8 inch rootstangled amongst them.
Help, what’s going on? Want to use some healthy rizomes to plant.
Can yoh dry/use these big roots also. What about the giant rizome in tne middle. I’m confused. Please help, before any go bad.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is completely normal! They will produce one large rhizome with many smaller ones. You ca usually break these eyes off and plant them individually, or dry them as a whole root and use like you normally would. Here is an article for more information on ginger: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/ginger/growing-ginger.htm