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Peace Lily Plants

Q.Giant Peace Lily

Zone Australia | Genia added on September 24, 2015 | Answered

I had this Giant Peace Lily for about 6 years. A happy plant, but I have under watered it a few times. I repotted it maybe twice over the time I had it. We just moved to a new apartment about 3 months ago. I sprinkled a few ball fertilizers for pot plants on top of the soil around the same time.

The leaves slowly turned silver and over the period of 3 months they turned white. Almost like chlorophyll was bleached out. Only top side of the leaf is affected, inside side of the leaves remains green. I have pruned a few leaves but then other leaves started to be affected.

Could it be pH or nutrition problem? Please help, as I need to save this plant. I searched Internet and found nothing. Thank you in advance.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 26, 2015

It appears to me that the leaves are suffering from to much light.
I would move the plant to a different location.
Also Peace Lily are quite sensitive to over fertilization.

Here is a link with more information.


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