Q.Getting rid of Mexican Primrose in Dymondia lawn.
Getting rid of Mexican Primrose in Dymondia lawn.

Dig Mexican primroses from the soil using a spade. Go about 8 to 10 inches deep and cut under the patch to remove all the roots.
Discard all the plant parts in a plastic bag. Do not compost Mexican primrose or it could sprout in other areas of your landscape.
Go through the soil with your hands to look for any remaining roots, which can survive and sprout at a later date. Pick them out and discard.
Spray Mexican primrose foliage with a non-selective herbicide that contains glyphosate until the leaves are wet. Glyphosate is most effective when the plants are still young and actively growing. Apply on a calm day, at least one-half to three hours before an expected rain and when dew is not an issue, as instructed on the label. A ready-to-use herbicide is easy to use and apply. Do not spray glyphosate on desired plants or grass because they will die. Block nearby plants, if you wish, with cardboard, sheet or another cover to prevent overspray.