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Tree Problems

Q.Getting Rid of Large Tree Saplings

Anonymous added on July 31, 2013 | Answered

There’s a vacant plot next to my bungalow and many trees are over 30′ tall and within ten feet of my property. They are too tall for me to reach and are blocking all natural light. One of the Cherry saplings’ branches are less than two feet away from an upstairs window. Is there anything I can spray them with that will kill the trees? I cannot gain access to the plot in order to saw them down or attack the roots.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 23, 2019

You should actually be able to find the tree ordinance for your local city online. In some cases you can remove a tree without a permit if it is within 10ft of your homes foundations or if it is a undesirable species.

If the trees are not on your property, then you will need to first contact the property owner and propose their removal.

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Answered on July 31, 2013

The first thing I would do is to consult with your town/city government about the ordinances on file. Then, I'd consult a tree removal specialist and/or your local agricultural extension office for advice.

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