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Burning Bush Plants

Q.getting rid of burning bush

Zone 45750 | Anonymous added on June 3, 2017 | Answered

My yard is completely surrounded with burning bush. It has become a big problem to trim it back. Yard is 1/2 Acre. How can I get rid of about 75% of it?? If I cut it back with a chainsaw, what can I put on the roots to keep it from growing back, or must it be completely dug up?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 4, 2017

Burning bushes have lots of suckers. The are cousins to Nandinas. Cut them back very low to the grow to about 6 inches if you can. Spray them with equals parts of salt and water. That will kill the roots. If you can,t manage that since I don't know just how many you have you can torch them in the winter or pull them out with a farm jack. The latter is a pain but it will get rid of them.

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